Chia pudding
OK.. I officially love love (re-emphasising in case a single ‘love’ doesn’t cut it) CHIA!! so damn easy to make and so many varieties am realising. I may end up having a separate section just for the different things I am going to do with Chia at this rate. When I had posted my chocolate chia pudding recipe 2 weeks back, I somehow knew my love affair with chia isn’t gonna end anytime soon and I am proving to be right about myself! ? The base of my breakfast today was chia, it took me less than 5 mins yet again but it tasted so different from the chocolate chia and this is what is absolutely getting me addicted to this product! When I was chatting with my friends in India, I realised this product may not be available easily and told myself that I should come up with alternatives. I am going to do that in the coming weeks for sure but in the meantime, I am gonna keep exploring the mind blowing chia, my new found love!
Pic taken in 2020 🙂
I am just keeping the above text & pic written/ taken back in 2017 for reference/ reminiscing purposes :). Things that haven’t changed from then to now
- my love for chia.
- my love for easy/ quick fixes.
- my love for mangoes :D.
Things that have clearly changed –
- My improved photography skills (Still not great but way better).
- When I took the pic back in 2017, I had just started to use D’s DSLR and took the pics in the balcony. I now have better knowledge to use his DSLR and have some artificial lighting.
- I used A4 papers as the background :D. I still use lame boards but still way better than those A4 papers where I struggled with focus.
I never tried this pudding using basil seeds. However, I bought a stock of this when I went to India a few years back & made it for my friends & they loved it. So much so, recently one of those (Sushma) made it for herself & her family and they all enjoyed it. She was super cute to plate it nicely and send me pics! A lot of my happiness weirdly revolves around food :D. And oh,
- Used my mil as hand muse for this pic & I am super happy with it. Poor her doesn’t probably know what she just signed up for :D.
- I ended up taking this pic in the balcony 😀 and did not use any artificial lights.
- 3 tbsp chia seeds
- 1 tbsp maple syrup/ honey
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1/8 tsp vanilla essence
- 1 pinch cinnamon powder
- 3 tbsp ripe mango cut into small pieces
- 1/2 tsp flaxseeds
- few blueberries
In a wide bowl, add all the ingredients mentioned under 'For the pudding' section and whisk till there are no visible lumps.
Pour the mixture into a jar/ container and refrigerate it for 6-8 hours (best left overnight).
Right before serving, top with fresh fruits/ dry fruits/ seeds. I had mine with some mango, blueberries & flax seeds.
- Add a little extra milk if you like the pudding to be slightly runny! I add the extra milk.
- Vanilla essence adds such an awesome flavour to this dish. So if you have it, I would totally recommend you to NOT skip it.
- Any sweetener works. If you want to avoid even maple/ honey, just use dates or dates syrup.