Hola & welcome to Spice Buffet! Spice Buffet is a site mostly dedicated to food & how to of FOOD! Yes, this is yet another food blog that will host my tried and tested recipes along with stepwise pictures. I am Sowmya. Hari (my friend) and I started this site somewhere in 2017.
About the recipes
I had wanted to start a food blog on my own for multiple reasons. The primary reasons will also serve to give an idea of the kind of recipes our site will have.
1) I am a lover of multiple cuisines & I appreciate food globally. Spice Buffet will host an array of different cuisines starting from Indian (representing my roots) to Asian to Middle Eastern (where I live at present) to Italian to truly international :).
2) I know for a fact that a lot of my mom’s and mother-in-law’s recipes don’t exist much on the internet (these might be family dishes I think). So, I want to document them for my benefit (of course) and for people to know about it and try it out.
3) I am always on the look out for healthy dishes or look at a recipe and think how best can I add a health twist to it. So a lot of my recipes will not just be tasty, they will also be healthy.
4) Finally, I am always on the look out for easy to make dishes and the one-pan plan kinda dishes. So yes, you will see a lot of quick fixes that you can make easily on a weekday/ night.
About Sowmya
Hello peeps, I am Sowmya. I am the content developer & food photographer of this site! I have always been very intrigued with the world of blogging but somehow never took the plunge. Somewhere in the beginning of this year (2017) I took the bold move and started writing! I wasn’t sure how serious I was going to be in terms of maintaining a food blog & just wanted to take baby steps. However, I realised I have an absolute passion to do this and it gives me so much happiness each time I work on a new recipe & hit the word – PUBLISH!!
I was born and raised in India (Chennai). I have an elder brother whom I have always fought tooth and nail with. I love him nonetheless! My mom took care of us in all ways including taking care of feeding us yummy food each day. However, my dad was the experimental cook of our house (almost all of his creations were yummy) and I seem to have inherited that trait from him!! I love watching cooking shows, love to expand my knowledge/ horizons way beyond my comfort zone, feel cool when I learn new cooking techniques/ terminologies & love to go through food blogs.. well in general I am sure you get the point – I love things concerned with food :). I have done my Masters in Engineering & I currently work as a Software Engineer. I live in Dubai with my husband Dinesh (whom I refer to as D in my posts mostly), my son Adyant & my in-laws. I will be posting my moms/ mother-in-law’s recipes from time to time (I genuinely want to document them somewhere and what better place than here). Dinesh is the victim of my experimental cooking almost always! He is an excellent judge of food & when I think my food lacks something, I get him to taste my food and he suggests what I should add more or what I should have added less :). Below is a pic of me and my boys!
About Hari
The reason my baby steps aka blog manifested into a giant dino aka this website (atleast in my mind) is my awesome friend Hari. Hari is a friend I met at work after moving to Dubai and we gelled quite instantly. He lives in Chennai (India) now with his wife, 2 beautiful kids & parents. Just like how distance doesn’t matter for friendship, ours has remained rock solid despite the 2,942 km distance between us :). Below is a pic of Hari & I doing what we love to do – EAT 🙂