Avocado chocolate mousse

I realise I am a weirdo but also realise I am going to do very less to change it :). There are multiple weird qualities in me but the one I am referring to here is my love to make desserts vs my not so much love to eat desserts :). Weird right?? I am constantly thinking of making desserts (and incorporating some goodness in it) when I don’t consume too much of it. In general I am a person who favours savoury/ spicy stuff over sweet stuff but I seem to want to make sweet stuff for other people – how sweet of me maybe??!! 😀 Anywho, we got a few avacados over the weekend with the idea of using them for my salads this week. However, the stupid me had also gotten feta cheese (1 protein in a salad dish is good enough). Anyways, it was not so stupid of me after all because I could come up with this beautifully good dish that is also fairly health. Well, it has avocados which has a lot of goodness in it including good fats, has unsweetned cocoa in it which is good for your heart (some dark ones are actually good in life you see :)). However, it also contains a good amount of honey in it (in small quantities it’s good still) thereby reducing the goodness factor in it. Nevertheless, this is a dish you can totally serve your guests and be proud of not overdosing them on the unhealthy scale! Avocados can be substituted in many traditional dishes owing to its creamy texture and it’s ability to blend perfectly in any dish. I have been seeing avocados being used a lot in baking and dessert corners the last few years and been wanting to try my hand at making something. As I don’t have too much time in hand during weekdays, I keep looking for simple yet decadent dishes and decided to try the avocado chocolate mousse. It came out really well. I had 2 spoons of it and the rest I am circulating between family and friends :). I received a positive feedback from all (some just felt the cocoa powder should be less – I have added some pointers in my notes below). I am awaiting feedback from a toddler I know who loves chocolates :). Her mum Akhila (my friend) is taking it home for her today!

Chocolate mousse for the greedy goose 😀

Avacado chocolate mousse
Prep Time
5 mins
Passive Time
30 mins
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: International
Servings: 4 persons
  • 2 no ripe avacados (haas preferrably)
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/3 cup honey/ maple syrup
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla essence
  • a pinch salt
  1. Scoop out the flesh of the avacados and place them in a blender.

  2. To this, add the cocoa powder, honey, milk & vanilla essence.

  3. Blend till you get a smooth & dense paste. 

  4. Transfer to a container and chill for at least 30 minutes before digging in. 

Recipe Notes

1) You can have the mousse plain as is or you can add any toppings of your choice - nuts, berries. I added a layer of marie biscuit in between for a layer of crunch.

2) If I were to serve this for kids, I'd put 1/4 cup of cocoa powder instead of 1/3 cup to make it bitterless. 

3) Using a haas variety of avacado (and the perfectly ripe ones in that) is the best in order to get a creamy mixture. 

Stepwise pictures


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2 Responses

  1. Yogesh says:

    I am toddler by no means but waiting to get my hands on this. Anything chocolatee… and this looks yummmmmmm too

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