Vanilla cake

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Hello there! Will you believe if I told you, I had written out this recipe over 1.5 months ago and the only thing I couldn’t complete is my prelude??!!! I was quite frankly shocked. I opened my blog many a times and stared blank not knowing what to write. I am not sure if it was the exhaustion around the time I would decide to finish the blog entry or simply had a writer’s block.. it’s affected my blog so much that I actually decided not to accumulate further blog posts till I finish the few pending ones. This is quite frankly as frustrating as it’s funny in my mind to think about this. A few years back, writing prelude was never the problem.. the problem was finding time to finish the recipes and editing the pics etc :). Surprisingly now, that seems like the easier part.

Anywho, for those who like a simple tea cake or an evening/ afternoon pick me up (sugar wise), this is your good friend. It’s a very simple cake and yet very very delicious. I must admit that Adyant didn’t even take a bite of this sadly (since there was no chocolate in sight). Adya’s friend Eva wanted to make vanilla cake and on her request, the 3 of us made this cake. The cake was polished off over 2 days by Eva, me, mil and fil :). This cake comes out moist as well as crumbly. If you don’t have a sweet tooth, please reduce the sugar by 1 or 2 tablespoons. I love sweets/ desserts to be real sweet and this works for me :). And oh, this recipe is absolutely no original. There are plenty of the same recipes on multiple sites. I don’t remember which one I made this using but I have been making the same one for a while now and I really love it!

Eggless vanilla cake
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
50 mins
Course: Dessert, Snack
Cuisine: International
Servings: 8 inch cake
  • 1.5 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 cup yogurt/ curd room temperature
  • 3/4 cup refined sugar
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1.5 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 tsp milk
  1. Sieve 1.5c all purpose flour twice and set it aside.

  2. In a medium size bowl, whisk 1c curd and 3/4c sugar till sugar completely dissolves.

  3. To this, 1/2t baking soda, 1.25t baking powder to the curd mixture and mix well.

  4. Set it aside for 5 mins. You will start to see bubbles appearing in the mixture.

  5. Now add 1.5t vanilla essence, 1/2c vegetable oil and whisk well. The wet mixture is now ready.

  6. To this, add 3/4c all purpose flour and fold it in.

  7. Next add the other 3/4c all purpose flour and fold it in.

  8. Bake in a pre-heated oven to 180c for 45-50 mins or till a fork inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.

  9. Towards the last 10mins of baking, just brush 1t milk on top of the cake and continue baking. This will help the cake get a nice golden brown top layer.

  10. After the cake is baked, allow the cake to cool down.

  11. Remove the cake by running a knife around the ends (to loosen the cake), and then invert the cake.

  12. Slice the cake into pieces and enjoy! This is such a lovely tea time accompaniment.

Recipe Notes
  1. Do not let the batter sit for more than 5-10 mins as the baking soda/ baking powder, curd, oil all react and you will end up with a hard batter/ cake. 
  2. The recipe I referred to had a 35-40 mins baking time. However, it took 50mins for mine to bake. So ensure your cake is baked properly. The last 10-15 mins, keep an eye as to not burn the cake. 
  3. Suppose the top of the cake is golden brown already but the cake is still not baked completely, cover with a butter paper and continue baking. 

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