Raw mango hummus

A lot of nice things are happening even amidst these chaotic time which I want to write about. However, off late I am blanking out completely when I start writing. Easiest for me to talk about and one of the best things that has happened us being home all the time is the amount of time that we get to spend with Adya (be ready to see a post where I will completely contradict myself on this because there are days when there is such lack of quality in the time I end up spending with Adya that I guilt trip myself a lot on this one ever so often). Adya has always been interested in cooking & generally being in the kitchen. There are times when the 5 of us are in the kitchen atthe same time and I swear my mil just wants to run away :). Anywho, Adya somehow does not like hummus (I have tried to sell it to him as chutney but that never worked). I have been meaning to try variations of hummus which I keep seeing on instagram & never got around to making any. We got these super super tart batches of raw mangoes that even D could not have it just like that (his usual fav way is to just cut them up and have it with red chilli powder/ salt). So I decided to use them up in hummus. I was not sure of grinding it just like that because I could not imagine getting a smooth paste out of uncooked green mangoes. I did not want to oven bake them cos duh, 1 kutti mango ku I don’t wanna use oven. So I decided to lightly saute them in oil till it softens & then use it in the hummus instead of the lemon. Adya almost as always was in the kitchen with me and did the ‘saute saute’ part (he just gets excited to do that and keeps repeating that word). He also helped me (can also be read as spilt) place all the ingredients in the mixer jar. I used just a 1/2 cup green mango and god, the hummus was tart and lip smacking. Not just for me but for Adya as well. Not sure if it was because he did some work (hard) for making this dish or what, when I dipped a finger into the hummus and offered my finger (hummus coated) to Adya, he licked it and smacked his lips and quoted ‘naish (nice) amma’ :). It’s interesting how very subtle changes to otherwise usual ingredients in a dish can completely change the flavour of the dish. I wish I had save some whole chickpeas instead of grinding them all for some texture (I couldn’t use raw mango pieces cos did not want the hummus to become more tart).

Raw mango hummus
Prep Time
5 mins
Cook Time
5 mins
Grinding time
5 mins
Course: Dips
Cuisine: Middle Eastern
Servings: 1 1/2 cups
  • 1 cup boiled chickpeas/ white channa
  • 1/2 cup raw mango 1 small raw mango
  • 3 tbsp tahini paste
  • 2 pods garlic
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/2 cup water
  • a pinch salt
  • 1/4 t olive oil for raw mango
  1. Chop raw mango into cubes. Leave the skin on.

  2. In a kadai/ pan, heat 1/4t olive oil.

  3. Once hot, add raw mango pieces and saute for a few minutes on medium heat till they soften/ change colour.

  4. Turn off heat & let it cool down a bit.

  5. In a mixer jar, add boiled chickpeas, cooked mango pieces, garlic, olive oil, tahini paste, freshly ground black pepper, a pinch salt & water.

  6. Grind it all into a smooth paste.

  7. Raw mango hummus ready to be used as dips/ spreads.

  8. You can keep this in the refrigerator for upto 1 week & in the freeze for upto 3 months.

Recipe Notes
  1. You may soak 1/2c chickpeas/ white channa overnight & pressure cook it the next day with some salt for 7-8 whistles. 
  2. You may also use canned chickpeas for this. 
  3. If the mango is not very tart, you can use more mango. Mine was super tart.

Stepwise pictures

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